I have been practicing Ashtanga Yoga consistently since 1976. David Williams and Nancy Gilgoff were my primary teachers. They taught me all of the series and pranayama. I also studied with Guruji (K Pattabhi Jois) on many of his extended trips to the US, and in Mysore, India.
The inherent wisdom of Ashtanga yoga has led me on a transformative journey. Being present in the body through the connection to the breath and bandhas is the key which unlocks the blocks. This union is the place where the mental/emotional/physical bodies find their release and begin to unwind.
Facing myself daily on the mat, I have opened to the deeper Self releasing the conditioning of the mind and body. My love of yoga keeps me on the mat daily. It is my teacher, healer and fountain of youth. I feel strong, balanced and happy.
The longing for the deeper truth of life has led me to explore Sufism, Shamanism, Vipassana meditation, and awake teachers. I have done many retreats over the years. Daily practice has supported this journey impeccably, both in integrating openings and in surrendering to the now.
Adyashanti expresses this journey beautifully:
“The Spiritual task we are given is a simple one:
to attend to that inner spark of radiance, to
hold vigil over it until we realize it to be ourself,
and to dig up and cast off all arguments we have
with its love.”
I practice jin shin jyutsu, a type of accupressure which is deeply harmonizing. It is a perfect accompaniment to yoga.
I bring this informed, deep, long-time practice to my teaching, supporting practitioners to strengthen their core/breath/alignment to correct and avoid injuries and move from the inside
An Invitation to deepen your Ashtanga yoga practice
I invite you to join us in Sri Lanka for a delightful journey into your Self. I offer my 38 years of study and practice of Ashtanga, Iyengar and Anusara Yoga to support you to reap the benefits of this royal path of yoga. The warm climate and harmonious setting provide a nourishing environment in which to open and deepen your practice. You will receive instruction tailored to your body to release any blocked energy and access your vitality.
Focusing on the breath, bandhas and alignment, I will fine-tune your practice to access the deeper layers of the body/mind where release initiates. This practice holds the keys to the fountain of youth. The luxury of an extended stay allows the time needed to establish and integrate the teachings, so that you can take your yoga practice home with you. Taking this opportunity to step out of the hectic pace of modern life and letting go into this simple, relaxed lifestyle at Rocky Point Resort will allow the inner and outer body to harmonize into their natural state of well-being. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Blessings on your journey.